Welcome to my Website!

Update 1 - 6/16/2024 - Work has been super busy, which has left me with limited time for the hobbies described below. I have played a bit of Pokemon, teaching myself how to RNG manip Japanese and English Emerald for shiny Mew and Deoxys, respectively. Beyond that, I have stopped playing Palworld as my friends have lost interest, though I hope to pick it back up, especially once PvP battles are added in. Distance running has been great - I am in the best shape I have been for a very long time, with an extremely simple training schedule that I believe anyone can replicate, based off of tried and true methods developed by professional coaches, but simplified for the working person with limited free time/energy due to work and other social obligations. It includes:

Though I have remained in good shape since I stopped running competitively, the above schedule got me from a ~5:20 mile at my slowest point to sub 4:50, and I believe just by increasing pace on the threshold reps and adding a touch more volume, the same plan would continue working. I don't expect anyone to copy this training plan exactly, but I think it is a great framework for someone who is working but still wants to remain at a respectable fitness level when compared to their college/high school peak. It is simple, and the effort level rarely crosses the border from moderate to hard. I hope to open a question box at some point to answer questions anyone might have about this sort of training.

Separately, I also hope to teach myself guitar in the coming months - I am hoping the patience and tenacity that distance running teaches will carry over, as I am certainly not a natural talent when it comes to music.

1/28/2024 - Hi there! Please pardon the work-in-progress website. I am a long-distance runner who also enjoys music and monster-catching video games in my free time, among other things. I hope to create pages discussing my training philosophies as well as my journeys in the Pokemon and Palworld video game series. Please continue to check back!

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